Tuesday, 30 July 2013

How Much Sex Should Married Couples Have?

Familiarity, advancing age, work pressures, the challenges of raising a family, and household responsibilities all conspire against regular sex among many otherwise loving couples who feel too harried to get physical.

Sex is designed to make you feel good for a reason. With someone you love, It's recommend for many reasons: It's good for your health and good for your relationship. It's good for respiration, muscles, and bladder control. It's a fine antidepressant, and it can renew your energy. Staying sexually and emotionally connected on a frequent basis has merit.

Regular sex actually increases sexual desire in the couple,  In other words, the more you 'do it,' the more the individuals will seek it. You develop a desire that wasn't normally there. The act itself is reinforcing.

Couples are encouraged to have 'good enough' sex. This sets realistic expectations and often lowers anxiety. Sex is like pizza: even when it's bad, it's usually still pretty good. On a scale from one to 10, good-enough sex is between 5 and 7

Sexual attraction and sexual arousal bring to bear two very important hormones, dopamine and Oxycontin, both of which create bliss and bonding. Even if the lovemaking session started out with only a modest amount of interest, once arousal starts, these hormones create attachment, pleasure, and intimacy. So while everyday sex isn't necessary, frequent sex is a great bonus and even an essential part of most couple's commitment and happiness with one another.

Talk About Sex - The first steps towards having a better sex life is to feel comfortable talking about it. Most couples often shy away from discussing it, hence, there's a lot of sexual frustration between them. This frustration if unchecked may lead to frictions in the marriage and could cause strife and bitterness between the couples. In talking about sex, couples can discover a lot about their partner's preferences and distastes. This in turn also create a good atmosphere for other issues to be addressed.

Be Prepared - That's right get ready! who can say no to a sexy looking, good smelling, action ready you? If the sex is lacking in your marriage, then you'll have to put in more work to make it happen. Take a shower, wear on a nice fragrance, put on something sexy, get yourself in the mood and be ready to go.

Once you start, Don't stop! - When you started as as just lovers, I bet the sex was really good. Then the kids and the jobs and all the worries of marriage came in and took it's toll, then the sex declined. Once you begin to have regular sex again, try to keep it going. It's so much easier to keep a fire burning than starting up a new one.